Friday 11 July 2014

Acne and Tension

Up until class 12, I believed I had a dry skin. The advantage of this was that in the blazing heat and humidity, I never had any pimples or anything. My skin was unblemished.Or so I thought..... but the Karmic cycle was turning and it brought a series of big painful acne with it.

I've never been the calm sort of person. Yes I am careless and i tend to be aloof to other's annoyance but when I have to worry about something......Oh Boy!......I will think of all the difficulties and obstacles in my path and make a big deal out of it. And class 12 was full of triggers for such bouts of worrying. The need to perform well in the boards and then the need to clear the competitive exams were relentlessly after me. And along the way, antibiotics were my true companion. .......Don't laugh. It isn't funny.

My mom's a doctor and she tells me that my acne are because of tension. You probably would have guessed so after having read the first two paragraphs. But I don't have any exams now!!!i am just waiting for the counseling for different engineering colleges and medical colleges to start. yeah it is stressful, not knowing what is going to happen in your future and whether or not you've screwed with you life by not studying the right way or not studying at all. To clarify before you start judging me, I did study well... in 12th, not in 11th. but that shouldn't mean anything. To start with, i know that I will get into somewhere, and it is not going to be a dump at all. And the second thing is that i watch movies all day! BUT THESE ACNE JUST DON'T GO AWAY! As soon as i get rid of one, another one, only bigger, erupts with a vengeance on some other part of my face.

yours very own
Female Complicated